Vicki Marie Fox
Vicki is a fun, cheerful, optimistic young lady who is as smart as she is cute. She is conservative and modest in attitude and behavior. She loves helping others and assists in the youth ministry at her church. Vicki graduated from Tettenhall College with a degree in computer science. But, she decided to stay with her friends Aussie and Ceri and took the reporter job at the local magazine.
Role. The star of the stories. Plays an active part in all stories. She will often be involved in jokes, but rarely is the target of jokes.
Age: 22
Birthday: 24 March
Species: Red fox
Sex: Female
Relationship: Single
Height: 42 inches (107 cm). Vicki is about the size of a large red fox standing on its hind legs.
Identifying color: Purple. Often means grand, regal, leader, and majestic. (CMY%: 70, 100, 0)
Distinctions: Vicki wears a single ear ring in her left ear. She always wears something purple in colour.
Origin: Vicki was born in Florida. She currently lives in Apopka, Georgia; a small town near the Tennessee border. Her heritage is Midwestern and Southern. Her ancestors are mostly from Scotland (can't you tell by her lovely red hair?)
Accent: She has a mixture of Midwestern and Southern dialects. If you are familiar with Country Music stars, you would think she sounds like a cross between Leann Rimes and Allison Krauss.
Job: She is the science reporter at the Apopka Reporter.
Hobbies: Vicki is athletic and likes to play sports. Her favorite sport is tennis. She likes hanging out at the beach, actually the local lake resort. However, she hates getting sand in her fur. She was a cheerleader in High School and at College. This is where she met Meredith. She loves chocolate (but, is that a hobby?). She listens to all types of music; but Bluegrass, Celtic, and Asian-pop tend to be her favorites.
Design notes
Size: Vicki's height is four heads in proportion. She is a cartoon fox.
Proportion: Her eyes and snout are about the same length.
Hair: (a) Her hair looks complex, but it isn't when you look closely.
(b) There is hair in front of her ears, so it looks like her ears are sticking
out of her hairstyle.
(c) Vicki's hair is full and thick and quite wavey. Thick of a country singer.
On occassions, like when playing sports, she may pull her hair into a pony
(d) From face on, Vicki's hair fringe is stylized. The peak has to face either
to the left or right, depending on perspective. It mostly is parted to
lean toward Vicki's left ear.
Earring: She only wears one earring and that ring is in her left ear.
Eyebrows: Vicki's eyebrows float in front of her face and hair, unless she's facing a direction that would make it look silly. Vicki has thin eyebrows. Basically just a single line.
Eyes: The eye whites are a light, pastel blue. She has no iris, just a solid black pupil. However, often a white glimmer is shown. Vicki's eyes intrude into her cheek fur just a small amount.
Snout: The snout is relatively square, with a cleft.
Cheeks: Her side cheeks have four points; enough for her fur to look full, but not too bushy.
Teeth: It makes her look foxy to have a suggestion of pointed teeth when her mouth is open, but USE SPARINGLY -- don't make her look like a vampire.
Belly white: Vicki has a white front. Think of the light colour front/belly design common of Warner Bros characters. The white fur DOES NOT extend onto inner arms or inner thigh.
Hands and feet: Her hands and feet are quite solid in shape and construction (more like Ceri's than Meredith's); but they are not described as big.
Socks: Edge of her socks come to a peak a little below the elbow and a little below the knees.
Tail: (a) On her tail, use long and short spikes to form the division between tail
and tail tip. the tail tip is small, about 1/4-th or less of the tail length.
The tail length is about the same as her leg length.
(b) Vicki is proud of her tail. She does not hide it under clothing, so her
tail comes through a properly designed hole in the back of the skirt, dress,
pants, whatever.
No cleavage: Although the top button of her blouse is undone, Vicki never shows cleavage. What is seen at the top of her chest is a fluffy tuft of hair to highlight that she is furry. This is very important. Even when wearing a swimsuit or other low cut outfit, Vicki never shows cleavage. Vicki is very modest in chest size.
Clothed: Vicki is always shown clothed. She prefers comfortable, modest, and conservative outfits and also likes to be fashionable.
Skirt: Draw in each pleat starting at the bottom hem and continuing 3/4-th of the way up to the waist. Keep in mind, Vicki wears a bouncy, pleated skirt. It is not a tennis skirt or similar knife pleated skirt, the pleats reflect the fullness and bounce.
Purple: Vicki ALWAYS wears something with the colour purple or violet. All of the characters have an associated colour and Vicki's colour is purple. This can be the major colour of her outfit or it can be something as simple as a scarf, a wrist band. The important thing is that she have at least one article of clothing or accessory that is purple (or violet) in colour.
Model sheets
The following pictures graphically defines the character. In most cases, these models were illustrated by Laura Howell.
Color specification
The following table defines the color specifications for the character.
Feature | Color name | Pantone | CMYK (%) | DMC thread | Prismacolor Pencil | Prismacolor Marker |
Back of ear and nose | Warm Grey 90% | Black_7 | 0,0,11,87 | 3799 | PC_1058 | PM_107 |
Blouse | Lavender | 237 | 6,65,0,0 | 3608 | PC_934 | PM_59 |
Body fur | Orange | 1375 | 0,38,76,0 | 922 | PC_918 | PM_16 |
Eye whites | Lt Cerulean Blue | 290 | 27,6,0,0 | 800 | PC_904 | PM_48 |
Face, belly, tail tip | White | White | 0,0,0,0 | White | PC_938 | White |
Gold earring | Goldenrod | 123 | 0,31,94,0 | 972 | PC_1034 | PM_69 |
Hair | Crimson Red | 179 | 0,79,94,0 | 817 | PC_924 | PM_4 |
Inner ear | Warm Grey 20% | Cool_gray_4 | 0,0,0,27 | 415 | PC_1051 | PM_100 |
Inner mouth | Tuscan Red | 484 | 0,87,83,31 | 3777 | PC_937 | PM_169 |
Pupil, outline | Black | Process_black | 0,0,0,100 | 310 | PC_935 | PM_98 |
Skirt | Parma Violet | 2582 | 47,65,0,0 | 3607 | PC_1008 | PM_128 |
Socks | Dark Brown | 4635 | 0,47,94,47 | 975 | PC_946 | PM_88 |
Tongue | Pink | 183 | 0,51,24,0 | 3706 | PC_929 | PM_8 |
Vest | Canary Yellow | 107 | 0,0,79,0 | 307 | PC_916 | PM_19 |