Copyrights and Trademarks
Many people are involved in making a large web site like this. We thank everyone who has helped in one way or another.
This site contains intellectual property -- the artwork, the page layout and content, and the comic strip. We make it available for personal enjoyment.
The content and images ARE NOT public domain.
We will persue legal action, if necessary, to protect our copyrighted artwork, trademarks, and characters.
Intellectual property: Vicki Fox and the comic strip character cast are the intellectual property of Vicki Fox Productions Inc.
Official model: The official model representation of the cast is defined by Laura Howell.
Web site: The content and presentation of the web pages on this site is copyright of Vicki Fox Productions Inc. All rights reserved. These pages cannot be distributed or used in any way, other than a personal copy, without the written permission of Vicki Fox Productions Inc.
Artwork: Most artwork shown is the joint copyright of Vicki Fox Productions Inc and the original artist. All rights reserved. Some of the artwork shown is the copyright of the artist and permission is given to show the artwork on the web site.
Photographs: Photographs are the copyright of the photographer. All rights reserved by the photographer. For example, the photographs of the foxes on Prince Edward Island are the copyright of Janet Wright.
Wildlife pictures: Unless otherwise credited, photographs of foxes on the fox facts page are from the royalty free Kodak PhotoCD purchased from Corel Corp. Fox photographs are from the Foxes & Coyotes CD, 1993.
The World of Vicki Fox, Vicki Fox, characters, and indicia are trademarks of Vicki Fox Productions Inc.
The opinions and contents of these pages are those of Vicki Fox Productions Inc, not those of the commissioned artists, fan artists, and web hosting service.
Property of others
Deputy Scarlett and Ranger Rick are trademarks of the National Wildlife Federation. Deputy Scarlett is used with the permission of the NWF.
Babs Bunny and Tiny Toon Adventures are trademarks of Warner Bros.